Kestrel | HD Documentary

The kestrel is kept in the still air until his prodigious vision recognizes a potential prey and then it pounces to her.

Planet Doc

The hunt of this bird is very particular, it remains in the still air until it recognizes a potential prey and then it pounces to her.

This pair of kestrels patrols the open plains in search of reptiles, insects, and small birds and mammals. Out on the plains, camouflage is essential for survival. Perched on a promontory, he waits for any sign of overconfidence.

Occasionally, a low flypast leads to an impetuous victim to give away its position. 

This small falcon weighs no more than 200g and possesses extraordinary eyesight, he can distinguish the smallest of movements even of a grasshopper up to 100m away.

Through their hunting, these small raptors help prevent infestations of insects and small mammals, and so they are highly beneficial for the environment.

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