Ethnic groups in Ivory Coast are part of Gor, the fundamental law which is the link between human existence and the divine spirit of the cosmos.
In this region of the Ivory Coast there are still ancient jungles, such as the Tai jungle, and leafy forests which are home to different ethnic branches of the Mande group. The most characteristic of these are the Dan, who are related to the Guere.
Their villages are very distant from each other – they do not form a large community, but rather isolated groups, which only come together in exceptional circumstances, to defend themselves against some common threat.
Their circular houses are covered with a large, conical, pointed roof, made with palm leaves and straw, which is a very efficient defence against the heavy rains of this region.
The Dan women are in charge of the domestic chores, but they also play a very important social role. They are organised into secret societies which have a decisive influence on the community, and have their own masks. However, the women are not allowed to hide their faces, but only transform them using paint.
Each village is governed by the council of ancients, which always dictates the rules of the society, jealously guards the secrets of the community, and makes sure the traditional laws, the Gor, are obeyed. In this region of the Ivory Coast, from the time the young men are initiated, they form part of what is called the Gor, the fundamental law which is the link between human existence and the divine spirit of the cosmos.
Many huts are decorated with domestic motifs and clan and esoteric symbols related to the Gor. This is a clear influence from the Kru, a large ethnic group in the south. The tradition was brought here by the Guere, who are very closely related to the Dan.