The Great Global Tribe 4

The human being after populating the Earth completely has created colonies to live in what he calls cities. We waste energy of all types, a capital sin in the wild world in which we develop as a species. The great global tribe has conquered everyone.

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Crossing the Atlantic, in Africa, another ethnic group of born survivors is about to disappear as a result of destructive western influences.

The San or Bushmen always lived incredibly well-adapted to the deserts of Namibia and Botswana, as hunter-gatherers, an anachronistic system of life for which there would seem to be no place in our agricultural and industrial society dominated by the global economy. Already, less than 5% of the San continue this traditional way of life, the rest have been rehoused by the Botswanan Government in ghettos where are provided with water wells and a small state subsidy, in exchange for doing nothing.

And, naturally, they get bored.


The mythical Bushmen who had inhabited southern Africa since prehistoric times, with their own unique language and physical characteristics, were first forced out by the black Bantu peoples, and later decimated by the European colonists.

Once they had been corralled into the poorest lands that no one else wanted, such as the Kalahari and Namib deserts, they managed to survive. Until now.

But they are losing the fight to whisky, beer and drugs, the only thing the civilised members of the Great Global Tribe taught them to use.

Now, they live on tiny, miserable plots of land, with 100 square metres of nothing and a future of cultural extermination. As they never registered their lands, as they do not have accounts in any bank, they are no one.



Throughout the planet, we can find many similar stories.

The Australian Aborigines are also an ancient people of expert hunter-gatherers who, little by little, have been driven out by the global culture. But, why does this happen, what are the origins of this phenomenon?

It is a slow process, a clear example of human ecology which can be traced back to the Neolithic age, when men and women began to develop agriculture and livestock-breeding, abandoning the old system of hunting and gathering.

Hunter-gatherers move around from one place to another, catching animals and eating the seasonal fruits of the plants.


Struggles for land have been merciless throughout the history of humanity

Cambodia. In this land, humans have sown the seeds of death.

Over 20 years of wars have left the legacy of approximately 10 million land mines scattered around the entire country.    

2,500 Cambodians have been trained to deactivated these mines, and with the invaluable help of the NGOs have managed to clear around 10 million square kilometres.

For forty years, the Tibetan people have been suffering a gradual cultural genocide, carried out by the Chinese government.

Tibetan identity is quite simply being crushed. The Chinese government provides incentives for its people to settle in Tibetan territory, allowing them to have two children there, instead of one as in the rest of the country. It also backs prostitution and helps the Chinese to set up the best businesses, taking them away from the local Tibetan population.

In 1958, the Chinese army invaded Tibet. Since then, over one and a half million Tibetans have died, murdered in Chinese jails, and around 130,000 have fled the country and are trying to protect their culture and Buddhism in neighbouring countries such as Nepal and India.


The Tibetans are forced to cross the highest mountains on the planet on a dangerous three-day journey on foot, in order to reach Kathmandu, the capital of neighbouring Nepal, and from there on to Dharamsala.

Many die on the way, and those that make it arrive with serious frostbite, which is treated in reception centres on the other side.

From here, they will be distributed to the different Tibetan settlements in Indian territory.China seeks to deliberately destroy the Tibetan culture, it hates the religion, the language and the spirituality of these people, who it has turned into outcasts in their own country.

Is this the price we have to pay in order to maintain the so-called “welfare society”? Perhaps too high a price.

Nature has taught us that such imbalances will, sooner or later, turn against us all.

Perhaps the outcasts will disappear first, but in the end the system will collapse in any case if we don’t remedy the situation in time.

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